Are you resisting living your life by going against the flow?
Living with resistance is pointless, exhausting and ultimately painful!
Check out the points below to learn how you can empower yourself with simple solutions to reignite your flow…
1. Believing in right or wrong
Right and wrong are words that we use to label ourselves, others and experiences. They are meaningless! The concept of something being right or wrong is completely down to individual perspective and the context in which we view it. If something is wrong, it leads us to resist it, causing unease. Practice no longer labelling anything or anyone as right or wrong. Let yourself witness everything with fresh eyes and a new perspective.
2. Looking for limitations
We become conditioned by our beliefs and past experiences to anticipate what may come next in life. Our brains are hard-wired to look for evidence to support our perspective. If we look for limitations and barriers in our daily life, we will find them quite easily. Anticipate miracles and magic instead. Shift your perspective to be ready for happy surprises and instances of life leveraging you forward.
3. Accepting “your lot”
The natural flow of life is designed for us to flourish and fly at our full potential. Giving up on ourselves and accepting that life can’t change for us or that we can’t achieve what we desire to, goes against this natural flow. Remind yourself daily that your nature is to is to grow and evolve constantly. You are a creative being and anything is possible!
4. Forcing things to happen
When we are pushing to make things happen, life becomes hard work. Society conditions us to believe that we must fight for what we want. We can easily adopt an “at all costs” approach to achieving our desires. Rather than pushing through, trust that what you desire will come to you at the right time as a result of you doing what you love and enjoying every moment of it. Train your mind to focus on this – believe it, think it, feel it!
5. Repeating negative experiences and patterns
Challenges in life are nothing more than opportunities to learn. We grow through the tough times. As we reflect upon them, we understand what they have taught us about ourselves at a deeper level and then we step forward as stronger and wiser people. If we do not take the time to reflect or take the learning on-board, we are destined to repeat negative experiences over and over again. It is wise to take stock of negative experiences and patterns in your life. Consider what lessons lie within them and live with a continuous growth mindset.
6. Using the word “should”
Often when we say “should”, it immediately denotes a non-acceptance of what already is, or forcing something into existence. How often do you say “I should lose weight”, “I should leave this job” or “I should try harder”. What this creates is the expectation that something should be different than it actually is. This can only create discontent with the reality we’re experiencing. Notice where you are using the word “should”. Accept what is, and from that place you can still take action to create new outcomes that fit your preferred reality.
7. Auto-pilot mode
Life constantly presents us with signals, signs and synchronicities as a feedback mechanism to help us evolve and go with the natural flow in life. Ignoring these signals can be perilous. If we live on auto-pilot with no conscious awareness, we risk missing these valuable messages. Lift your awareness. Practice being fully present in the NOW. Embrace your childlike wonder in every moment. Be curious and reflective. Make it a priority to learn from and grow through each opportunity and challenge you encounter.
8. Being attached to your beliefs and opinions
Remaining stuck within a limited perspective or attached to our opinions, prevents us from evolving in our understanding of ourselves and our life. We are constantly offered opportunities to open our minds and expand our knowledge, but we must first accept the invitation to do so. Notice what you hold strong opinions about. Reflect upon the validity of other people’s perspectives. Treat your opinions and beliefs as temporary and upgradeable.
9. Avoiding change
When we stay within our comfort zone, shying away from fear, we are not truly living. Life calls us to step out into the unknown, to dream our dreams, to use our minds to imagine and create new possibilities and to take action to bring them into our reality. Fear does not have to define your life, just acknowledge it is a normal response to entering unknown territory. List out what you most aspire to be, do and create, then list what fears keep you stuck. Select one fear and commit to taking action to face that fear. Move forward by channelling fear into curiosity as you explore and create.
10. Believing the world is against you
It can seem, at times, like we are separate from one another and from the world as a whole. We are led to believe in this separateness, due to the independent nature of our physical world. However, everything is energy. Everything is consciousness manifesting as life. Everything is therefore connected from one source. Source energy never goes against itself. It is impossible for the world to be against you. Remind yourself daily that the Universe always has your back.
As always, if you notice resistance in your own life and need some help, please don't hesitate to reach out, I'd love to hear from you.
Much love, Jo xxx